Voys Handbook for Colleagues
Voys Handbook for Colleagues

Voys Handbook for Colleagues

Welcome to the "Voys Handbook for Colleagues". It combines the handbook for new colleagues with our staff manual and other relevant info. It contains the Why and the How of working at Voys. It’s written for and by our colleagues, but we want to share it with the world. We hope you enjoy the read and find it helpful.

Making updates to the Handbook? Read this!
If you make big updates or additions to the page or update stuff that impacts most of us, please update the changelog at the bottom.
Legal stuff ;)

After reading the content, you'll know the most important things about various people subjects.

Why are we talking in terms of "Staff", "Employer" and "Employee" instead of the word we much prefer: colleague? That's because it sometimes is mandatory, and a Staff handbook -which this formally is- has legal implications. This is also the reason why some pages cannot be edited by everyone 😱

It is impossible to name everything for every situation, so we have focused on the essentials. Withal, we love 'common sense’ (read: your sanity). If you get a temporary job for a short period of time, or a job with very few hours a week, it is possible that different agreements apply to you.

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Changes to the Voys Handbook for Colleagues (sorry these are not publicly visible)
