Career doubts - Reset Button

Career doubts - Reset Button

Everyone has days when they are not comfortable or productive. But what if you notice that the work is starting to bother you? Sometimes you really get stuck. Often you notice it yourself, sometimes your colleagues notice it. You may be tired, lack a challenge, become less collegial, rattle off work, spend hours on social media. Just a few examples that you or your colleagues may recognize that it is perhaps time for the next step in your career. You can also read more in the chapter about recognizing role fit and misfit.

In some cases, a job or career switch is simply necessary to regain pleasure in your work. Acting pro-actively is important and ultimately better for all parties.

What can you do first?

Explore your options! You can appeal to various internal coach roles, such as job coach, and reflect coach. You can use your study budget, do a Gallup Strengthsfinder for example. Talk to friends, you might get a good idea. Try to cross the threshold and also talk to colleagues. For example, the @hirer role has information on internal vacancies. Browse on LinkedIn, and tap into your network. Do what feels right, but at least do something!

Of course, you might find that awesome new job yourself, internally or externally. If not, know that there is help available if you feel like it.

The Reset Button


You can press the Reset Button! By doing so, you are actually expressing the fact that your current job is no longer satisfying, that you yourself are not able to change anything, and that you want something - perhaps completely - different. Doing nothing is not an option, so we (you and the Reset Button role) work together until we are both satisfied again.

Why does this role exist?

It has been shown that for some colleagues the step to actually resigning is not easy. Sometimes it's hard to feel the urgency; you know what you have and not what you will get. Or you may not dare to accept a temporary job elsewhere. It can be so obstructive that it doesn't help the process at all and maybe even creates an unpleasant work situation. With the possibility of doing a 'reset', we want to:

  • break a taboo
  • facilitate a healthy culture
  • contribute to a better flow on the labor market
  • promote happy colleagues and a happy team
  • offer good employment practices

How does it work?

In a first informal conversation with the Reset Button, it is possible to assess which follow-up steps are useful. This conversation is meant to talk about your career doubts in an accessible way.

After that - if you really start pushing the reset button - a formal follow-up follows. In any case, it should become clear in the next talks what is useful and necessary for yourself and the organization. Things will be files including concrete agreements and a timetable.

It is important that you commit to this. In other words, after this, it is no longer without obligation. It may be tough or confronting, but keep your eyes on the prize: you'll restore happiness at work, no matter what!


1) The route can be: to another role, training, or a restart internally. We might involve other roles to help formulate learning goals, coach you, to find a course of study, etc.

2) Sometimes you find that restart outside the organization. This could be because an opportunity arises at a network partner, you go on an internship at a known organization, or you start a mobility traject via an intermediary party.

3) If we can't work it out internally, if there are no options externally if all attempts come to nothing, then we may come to the point of deciding to part ways.

The following principles count

We part in good faith. - We investigate financial security - We examine how the transitional allowance can be put to good use, for example as an (additional) training budget. - There is an active search for possibilities to find a new employer (for example connections from the network)

The approach may consist of

  • Saying goodbye by means of a settlement agreement (aka vaststellingsovereenkomst, VSO). This is a neutral form, whereby you are not culpable for the dismissal and therefore retain the right to unemployment benefit. The notice period is observed.
  • A fixed transitional payment (β…“ of the gross monthly salary per year of service). This compensation may be used for a supplementary study budget. This means that you can use a gross amount for additional study instead of a net amount.
  • Forwarding of vacancies known from the network.
  • Optional is the possibility of early release from work.
  • Optional is the possibility to apply for jobs during working hours.
  • These agreements are laid down in a settlement agreement (VSO) and a study agreement.
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