
Pizza session & techsnacks

Pizza sessions

Once a month (approximately, we just see what is convenient) we have a pizza session at the end of a weekday afternoon.

During the pizza session, colleagues give short presentations about their activities. What are we proud of, where are we and where are we going?

Are you working on a great project, or have you just completed it? Then tell your colleagues about it. Your colleagues always like it when you share results with them and of course you excite them with this. Also results of the circles or just of certain roles are thrown on the table during this session. If you would like to know what a colleague does, ask him or her to tell you more about it during a pizza session.

Do we always eat pizza? Well no, the Pizza Session team comes up with something new every time. It's always a surprise what we get on our plate, but we keep calling it pizza session.

Want to organize want or have a story to share? The Organizer pizza sessions role can help.


Past Pizza Sessions


The Techsnack takes place every Tuesday from 11:45-12:00 and every Thursday from 13:15-13:30. It lasts max 15 minutes and can be about anything and can be created ad-hoc. They can be seen as worktime so plan your lunchbreak around it.

From your favorite GTD tool to a nice story about a new programming language, anything goes. Techsnacks are attended by people who find the topic interesting πŸ™‚ Ideally, they are recorded so people who are not able to attend can watch them later.

Ooh and they are not just about tech ;) Want to give a talk? Any topic goes! Add it to the list of πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ« Techsnack sessions, and don’t forget to give an upvote to topics you’d like to learn more about.

Personal development

Both the pizzas session and the techsnacks are a way to show off and develop your presentation skills but also to transfer knowledge that you have helping others grow in doing so.

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