
Contract renewal process

This page can be edited by @contract extender

During this process, it is decided whether the colleague receives an extension of his or her employment contract. The process consists of two parts which eventually lead to an outcome.

Part 1 - Gathering input on contract extension

When a contract is nearing its end (about one to two months before the end date on the contract), the contract extender will ask for input from different roles.

  • Circle Lead (CL): The CL is able to comment on role fit for the role(s) that the colleague was hired to fill. Next to that, the CL can estimate if the roles will remain valuable for the future of the organization;
  • HR legal document provider: This role indicates whether any official warnings were sent to the colleague in question;
  • Interventionist: This role indicates if the colleague currently has a process to improve how they function in their roles (improvement process);
  • Preventive care and reintegration mentor: This role indicates if there is frequent absence and/or absence that influences the stability of the circle and therefore the organization.

The above-mentioned roles give their advice and information to the contract extender. Using this information, the contract extender decides if the process should proceed to part 2 or if the contract will not be extended based on the information received. During this, the contract extenders handle this decision in the best interests of the company. If a decision not to extend a contract is made, the colleague in question will be informed. Next, the direct colleagues of the colleague in question will also be informed.

Due to privacy reasons, there are situations when the contract extender cannot always give details as to the reasons behind this decision. It can also be the case that the contract extender doesn’t have any explanations from the above-named roles other than the advice not to extend the contract. This is also due to our colleagues’ privacy. We rely on everyone’s trust, expertise, and willingness to work toward our shared purpose as we work to make sure the right people are in the right places.

Part 2 - renewals review by peers

When the input gathered in part 1 doesn’t lead to a decision not to extend the colleague in question’s contract, then part 2 of the process will be followed:

  • The colleague whose contract is up for extension appoints four colleagues that have something relevant to say about their work (direct circle members, circle leads(s), and other colleagues that they work together with). These four colleagues need to have been working at Voys for at least 5 months to be able to give a good assessment of your work. Before the meeting takes place, the group receives a Google Form that delves into the principles, aiding the colleague in preparing for the discussion. It also assists the contract extender in making an assessment before the meeting on which topics may or may not need further discussion.
  • The Contract Extender collects feedback from these colleagues and the buddy and focuses on the question: Are there any reasons why the contract should not be extended? The focus point here is cultural fit: is the colleague a good addition to the team? In which way(s) do they contribute to the purpose of Voys? How do they deal with feedback? Overall pleasant person, to work with? The 🪆Principles: our core values unpacked really help here.
  • All feedback gathered during this process should be communicated back to the colleague, by a spokesperson (selected during the session) of the group, at the end of the session.
  • The contract extender communicates the result of the session in Slack (f.e. HR-applications)

Check out the flow chart below for a quick overview.

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