New Projects for the upcoming episode

New Projects for the upcoming episode

Facilitator preparation
  • Add a link to the jamboard in the call-out below
  • Set the correct filters in the inherited / unfinished / suggested projects
    • ā€˜Visible onā€™ = the circle concerned
    • for suggested projects, use an OR-filter:
    • image
  • Copy and paste the paste the inherited / unfinished / suggested as backdrop on the Jamboard
Generic instruction

Note: We use this moment to think about projects. you can think about projects (that help to achieve our strategic goals) at any time. It is not exclusive to the Outlook planning session. The lead time of projects does not run parallel to the 6 months that an outlook episode lasts. Projects don't have to end or start at the beginning of an episode. They are supposed to be means to achieve our strategic goals.

šŸŒŸĀ New Projects


Project Brainstorm for projects for the next episode. Time to come up with some projects of our own!

  • Before starting the brainstorm (works best on a jamboard), you can review suggested projects from the evaluation, unfinished projects from the last step and 1 & 3 year goals
  • After doing the brainstorm, the Circle Lead selects the projects that will be worked out in detail in the next step. You can add these projects to the New Projects database at the bottom of this page. Just click on new to add a new card.

What did we learn in the Evaluation?

facilitator preparation:
  • copy suggested projects from evaluation to the jamboard
  • add a link to the project section of the Evaluation, and if useful, paste the learnings from the Eval in the box below
  • <<Change the filters: accommodate to your circle (ā€˜visible onā€™) & correct episode>>
āš ļø
Important take away during this session was: -

Inherited projects

Inherited Projects have been originating from the super circle (Configured via the visible on field)

<<Change the filters: accommodate to your circle (ā€˜visible onā€™) & correct episode>>


šŸš§Ā Unfinished Projects

First we take a look at any unfinished Projects

<<Change the filters: accommodate to your circle (ā€˜visible onā€™) & correct episode>>

Are there any projects from last episode that are not finished and still relevant for this episode?


Suggested projects

Suggested projects could have originated from other circles evaluations, or from your own circles evaluation <<Change the filters: accommodate to your circle (ā€˜visible onā€™) & correct episode>>

What are the most important projects we want to accomplish?

<just copy the project titles from the jamboard>

<<Change the filters: accommodate to your circle (ā€˜visible onā€™) & correct episode>>

<don't forget to add inherited projects>

<We learned that coining projects & selection by the Circle Lead works far better in a jamboard. Thus 1. Create a jamboard, 2. paste the link in here & 3. copy the select project titles in the table below >

Next up (optional):

Project descriptionsProject descriptions

Project descriptions and realism checks are optional.

You can also limit yourself to just adding some context (why & why now, line-of-sight) & skip defining, outcomes and metrics in this session
