1-Year Goals & Metrics Outlook

1-Year Goals & Metrics Outlook

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In the Outlook, we look at the One Year Goals & Metrics again to get a feeling of how we are progressing, and to possibly modify them.

In the evaluation, the One Year Goals, Projects & Metrics have been reviewed as well, and maybe we learned that something needs to be changed.

Key Initiatives

NB. in earlier version of this process we also used to have key initiatives. Stuff you could start doing to reach the year goals. In general, these can now be defined as projects. In rare cases, that doesn’t fit (e.g. when you want to start a new team behaviour). In these cases , we suggest you just define them!

@ Circle Lead, can you update us about what is discussed during the evaluation?

@ SubCircle Leads, can you bring forward anything from the sub-circle perspective?

One Year Goals


One year goals

Where do you want to be at the end of the year?

Consider just inheriting the super-circle goals if they apply and if you want to save time

Ref: GCC 2023 goals
GCC 2023 One Year Goals
1. Self-development, career development, team development, and feedback are an integrated part of the Voys Model
2. Our growth is abroad a. we know how to define/measure success there b. we know how Voys Partners are a part of that c. we standardize the pathway where speed and scalability are the main drivers d. we keep tuning our (international) marketing and continuously experiment, to maximize the impact of our content and marketing efforts
3. We increase our system value, and this is reflected in our metrics, behavior and external communication
4. We become a product organization that is outfitted for change and speed
5. We keep adding customer value 1. improving the customer journey 2. we excel in supporting bigger customer projects 3. tiered advice 4. proactive support
<<Circle>> 2023 One Year Goals

The following is true about 1 Year Goals:

  • In the first Outlook of the year, you start with a blank sheet, the subsequent outlook you just see if changes are required
  • One Year Goals should contribute to the company: they should relate to company goals and or goals of the higher circle. Add this relation to the line-of-sight table below.
  • One Year Goals can be found by dreaming where you want to be / stand at the end of the year.
  • One Year Goals should be defined SMART.

From the evaluation:

Important take away during this session was: -


List to which (Company- and/or or Circle-) goal the outcomes of this project is contributing

The ‘Type of goal’ can be one of :

  • 3 Year Goal, 1 Year Goal, Key Thrust
Two Examples:
Agency 2022 One Year Goals
Contributing to goal(s)
Contributing to Type of goal
How is the circle goal contributing?
We have one website framework for the Voys brands
(GCC) Scalable International Marketing Strategy
GCC 2022 Initiative
We need to merge the current websites into one framework in order to scale and make changes faster
GCC 2022 One Year Goals
Contributing to goal(s)
Contributing to Type of goal
How is the circle goal contributing?
(GCC) Scalable International Marketing Strategy
(GCC) A mediahouse with an internationally scalable cost effective marketing strategy
GCC 3 Year Goal
Having a strategy is an essential step for reaching our 3 year goal of being a Mediahouse
<<Circle>> 2023 One Year Goals
Contributing to goal(s)
Contributing to Type of goal
How is the circle goal contributing?


GCC circle 3 Year Goals / Key Thrusts (ref.)
  1. A mediahouse with an internationally scalable cost effective marketing strategy
  2. A strong experienced (distributed) workforce where the right people have the right roles.
  3. A great integrated system for self development including feedback
  4. A scalable & maintainable service platform and method of building it
  5. A product that stands out as a relation product instead of a communication product.
  6. We are one organization under one commercial brand
GCC circle 1 Year Goals (ref.)
GCC 2023 One Year Goals
1. Self-development, career development, team development, and feedback are an integrated part of the Voys Model
2. Our growth is abroad a. we know how to define/measure success there b. we know how Voys Partners are a part of that c. we standardize the pathway where speed and scalability are the main drivers d. we keep tuning our (international) marketing and continuously experiment, to maximize the impact of our content and marketing efforts
3. We increase our system value, and this is reflected in our metrics, behavior and external communication
4. We become a product organization that is outfitted for change and speed
5. We keep adding customer value 1. improving the customer journey 2. we excel in supporting bigger customer projects 3. tiered advice 4. proactive support
Ref: Product Development One Year Goals
Product Development 2022 One Year Goals: Follow the Roadmap: Move Up & Simplify
We developed a new feature set to attract new customers, including two features for 20-100 customer base (move up).
Holodeck is running its first services in production, all new features are developed on Holodeck.
We have a streamlined, open, transparent development process that adds value to our customers in short release cycles
Frontend and backend are further separated by following the roadmap
We are visible in the open-source communications community.
Our products are perceivable, operable and understandable for a wide range of people (a11y).
Ref: Product DevelopmentKey Initiatives
Product Development Key initiatives for 2022
0. We have delivered according to the roadmap
1. We make Holodeck production-ready, embraced by everyone, and the way we develop new features
2. We release (more) often and (more) comfortably, using an improved process.
3. We will integrate ESM (EcmaScript Modules) in the portal
Webapp and frontend could work better together to integrate this instead of doing it the old way do it the new way. @May 19, 2022 : initiative has been started and finished
4. We will make our softphones the most accessible of all softphones on the market

Are the One year goals SMART?

Do we need to update our one-year goals?


Metrics should help us to reach our higher goals, fulfil our purpose and maximise our critical number (end users)

In the Outlook we look at the metrics again to get a feeling of how we are progressing. In the evaluation, you have looked at the metrics as well and maybe learned that something needs to be changed.

Where do we want to be at the end of the year in terms of numbers?

The Circle Lead reflects

For sub circle’s and representatives: What can you share from your circle?

What are the metrics of the supercircle that we are responsible for?

Ref: GCC Metrics

Metric of super circle
Target value
Actual value

What are our own metrics?

Circle Metric
Target value
Actual value

What did we learn in the Evaluation?

copy findings from evaluation

Important take away during this session was: -

Are we missing any metric?

Discussion. Notes.

Company Metrics

ref: here

GCC Meetings

👉Check this link

Updates (episode 2)

Are the used goals, metrics and initiatives still the best ones?

Discussion. Notes.

Do we need to update our goals, metrics and initiatives goals?

Discussion. Notes.

Next up: New Projects for the upcoming episode New Projects for the upcoming episode