🗣️ For the Facilitator or ✍️ For the Secretary
Session log templates
Episode outlook sessions
Episode evaluation session log
Episode outlook session log:
Project evaluations
Yearly outlook Sessions
Year evaluation log [Template]
Yearly outlook session log [Template]
Long term outlook session
3-year outlook session log [TO BE DONE @Luuk Hartsema, @]
🤼 For the Participants
One Page Strategic Plan
The one page, quick overview of your circle's strategies and relative priorities
Blank version - the mother of all templates:
Jamboard template for evaluation
This jamboard is used to interactively gather input from all participants of the session and have them collaborate online. Create a copy of this jamboard template to suit your evaluation session needs.
Jamboard template for outlook session
This jamboard is used to interactively gather input from all participants of the session and have them collaborate online. Create a copy of this jamboard template to suit your evaluation session needs.
The jamboard is used in conjunction with the slide deck listed above.
Further elaboration on tools
On the drive you can find all kinds of documents, including different versions of them. There are so many, that it is a bit easy to get lost in them. The role can assist if there are unclarities.