Strategy week questions

Strategy week questions

  • For the impact circle, can we have an un-manned poster to make visible what work is happening in the circle? Its work that continues regardless of other projects. And we really want to communicate about it.
    • Yes! As long as there’s also someone who can also answer questions
  • Who are the outer circle presenters and do they know what is required of them?
    • basically the presenters at the all-hands
  • if you are a presenter, is it possible for you to walk around or do you just stay and present?
    • Yes! There probably are multiple sessions, and you can share the presenter role (and the other roles) to cater for you running around to.
  • what do you mean biggest fail? - to strengthen a culture where making mistakes is accepted
    • Every team is supposed to share their ‘biggest whoopsie’ and how you fixed it (of that episode) See this - frame this to make it a time for learning from mistakes and lessons. “share your whoopsie and how you fixed it”
  • why is the recap and prize for biggest fail happening twice?
    • Fixed. Renamed to Award for biggest learning moment
  • for people in circles that are not participating, do you expect them to still walk around and participate in the market?
    • Yes. We are all expected to participate. It is the moment of the quarter where you get to align with your colleagues and other circles to understand what they are working towards, and where that impacts you.
  • is there are plan for people who need to work throughout the day (ex - calling with Nerds) to have a place to do so?
    • No, there’s not.
  • what does the day look like for people that are digital? (SA as well as WFH colleagues) - can we explain how they can participate and what their time table looks like? (maybe a remote time table that we can show and communicate about)
    • Each Circle should have a link to join online meeting (possibly multiple for different time-slots) + laptop facing you to “see” you presenting (or decide to go fully on-line for a session) + co-host / facilitator making sure that the off-line and online experience is the same (e.g. Questions in Slack channel) /
  • can we change where all the strategy week pages are in Notion?
    • Yes you can
  • Bart mentioned all hands-meetings happening on both days, but I don’t see them in the schedule. Does he mean the general presentations and plenary closings?
    • start with day start with what the day will look like and a recap of what happen the last 3 months from the Voys circle and maybe some sub circles as well as reminding people what the 1 year goals are. By All hands I mean a recap from CLs, which we are already used to.
  • Also about the all hands, who is presenting there and what are they presenting?
    • We can come up with a clear list
  • What is the ‘clean up’ on day 2? Because the text is the same as on day 1 ?
    • We need a clean office on Wednesday and Friday
  • In general: I (Pollien) still have some trouble understanding the flow of information. Who/what is channeling the information from the first marketday (with evaluations) to the second market day (with the outlook)?
    • tbd
  • Can we make more posters for people to read with the 3 year vision and one year goals?
    • Great Idea

For the Voys circle - create posters of the 1 year goals and 3 year thrusts visible in a few places. make a large space (maybe big meeting room wall) for mark to write down his thoughts and projects to keep an eye on.

Evert Jan on the Voys circle role: Voys circle should have a collision detection role, and try to resolve them on the spot.

For the