🗣️ For the Facilitator
Presentation slidedecks
Episode outlook session
Yearly outlook session
Long term outlook session
Presentation slidedecks
Episode outlook session
Yearly outlook session
Long term outlook session
✍️ For the Secretary
Episode evaluation log [Template]
Notion: Episode evaluation log <template> (1)Episode outlook session log [Template]
[22E3] <Circle> Outlook meeting notesYearly outlook Sessions
Year evaluation log [Template]
Yearly outlook session log [Template]
Long term outlook session
3-year outlook session log [Template]
[24E01] <Circle> Outlook meeting notes (NewTemplate)[23E1] <Circle> Outlook meeting notes (NewTemplate) (1)Older
The version with the parts that all circles inherit from the GCC filled in, easy peasy! (make sure you have the tab "base template to be inherited by other circles" 👇
facilitator secretarysecretary toolsOld Evaluation & Outlook Process Tools