
Projects Evaluation

Generic instruction

During the evaluation pay most attention to the projects of the episode, and the key initiatives for the whole year. For each project: let the project owner (there should be a clearly defined one) to give a short update on what happened with the project, the outcomes, whether there were any changes in scope etc, and try to get a clear YES or NO answer for whether the project was completed or not.

Try to shift the conversation to analysing why the project was completed or not. Which factors contributed to success? Which factors did not?

It is important not to go into blaming mode, keep the emphasis on 'what can we all learn from this', not 'who can we blame for this'. There might be very good reasons for not completing a project! Try to surface those good reasons.

Secretary / Facilitator Instructions for use of this page

Make sure to se the right filter in the linked database below in order to get just the outlook projects for this circle. During the evaluation, you open up each project and at the bottom of the project, you can find an Evaluation section that can be used during this meeting.

Open this at the evaluation


Project completed


NB. change project status of project as well (if required)




Succes factors
Good teamwork
Sakhe Ntshwanti
Did not contribute
Sakhe Ntshwanti

Insights and information for supercircle or Outlook

Overall summary:
Video instruction
Where are we in the process?
  • Introduction
  • Check-in
  • Subcircle Findings (Optional)
Projects Evaluation
  • Results against One-year goals, Key Initiatives & Metrics
  • Projects Brainstorm
  • Circle & Personal Reflections
  • Celebration
  • Summary for the super circle (Optional)
  • Check-out & Aftercare
Structure of last episode project

The structure of last episode projects goes as follows:

  • Is the project finished, yes or no? (checkbox in Evaluation template, or status of project)
  • What helped with the success of the project?
  • What did not contribute to the success of the project?
Project reporters instructions for use of this page
  1. Open the project page from the table below
  2. Open the page as page
  3. Scroll all the way down to 'Open this at the evaluation'
  4. Open en fill in