
New Projects for the upcoming episode

Where are we in the process?
  • Introduction & Check-in round
  • Looking around, Supercircle perspective
  • 🎯 One Year Goals, 📊 Metrics & ✈️ Key Initiatives review
🌟 New Projects for the upcoming episode
  • 📃 Project Descriptions
  • 🦄 Realism Check
  • 🤡 Theme & 🥳 Celebration
  • Summary for the super circle (Optional)
  • Check-out & Aftercare

🌟 New Projects for next 4 months


What did we learn in the Evaluation?

facilitator preparation:
Important take away during this session was: -

Inherited projects

🚧 Unfinished Projects

Suggested projects

What are the most important projects we want to accomplish in the next four months?

<don't forget to add inherited projects>

<We learned that coining projects & selection by the Circle Lead works far better in a jamboard. Thus 1. Create a jamboard, 2. paste the link in here & 3. copy the select project titles in the table below >