Clear internal communication


There is a lot of communication happening across multiple channels.

Some problems that we observe:

  • There is information overload; communication is scattered in several channels and several tools
  • There is an expectation that slack is real-time communication channel where you get an immediate answer
  • It is not clear what to share at which scale and who should read it. We also don’t know who has read what (how do I communicate the result of a project? When is something communicated? Does it depend on the project?)
  • The overall story of the organisation is sometimes lost in all the communication

Why now

The problem is becoming painful


  • Guidelines (not rules!) about internal communication (need to know vs. nice to know, which roles etc.)
  • 1:1, circle communication and organisation communication need different communication strategies
  • Clear role names in GlassFrog so they are easier to find and to tag in Slack
  • Company podcast?! (experiment - but form follows function)
  • Offering curated information (there is a role that helps with this)
  • Find out what is needed by the organization and how other orgs deal with this.